## agent centric ![[agent centric]] ## attractor ![[attractor]] ## bioregion ![[bioregion]] ## capitalism ![[capitalism]] ## choice ![[choice]] ## civic culture ![[civic culture]] ## open civic innovation ![[OpenCivics Concepts/Glossary/open civic innovation|open civic innovation]] ## civic protocols ![[civic protocols]] ## civic stacks ![[civic stacks]] ## civic steward ![[civic steward]] ## civic systems ![[civic systems]] ## civic utilities ![[civic utilities]] ## civic virtue ![[civic virtue]] ## civics ![[civics]] ## commons ![[commons]] ## composable ![[composable]] ## decentralized vs distributed ![[decentralized vs distributed]] ## dual power ![[dual power]] ## emergent ![[emergent]] ## ephemeralization ![[ephemerization]] ## existential risk ![[existential risk]] ## exponential feedback loops ![[exponential feedback loops]] ## game theory ![[game theory]] ## holon ![[holon]] ## imagination activism ![[imagination activism]] ## inclusive ![[inclusive]] ## interbeing ![[interbeing]] ## interoperable ![[interoperable]] ## islands of coherence ![[islands of coherence]] ## living systems principles ![[living systems principles]] ## metacrisis ![[metacrisis]] ## modular ![[modular]] ## multi-polar traps ![[multi-polar traps]] ## open civic protocols ![[open civic protocols]] ## open civic systems ![[open civic systems]] ## open civic utilities ![[open civic utilities]] ## open civics ![[open civics]] ## OpenCivics Network ![[OpenCivics Network]] ## overtone window ![[overtone window]] ## participatory design ![[participatory design]] ## peer-to-peer ![[peer-to-peer]] ## polycentric ![[polycentric]] ## pluralism ![[pluralism]] ## post-capitalist ![[post-capitalist]] ## post-tragic ![[post-tragic]] ## protopia ![[protopia]] ## quality of life ![[quality of life]] ## regenerative ![[regenerative]] ## regulatory capture ![[regulatory capture]] ## regulatory power ![[regulatory power]] ## resilience ![[resilience]] ## self-organization ![[self-organization]] ## social organisms ![[social organisms]] ## stigmergic ![[stigmergic]] ## stigmergy ![[stigmergy]] ## sumak kawsay ![[sumak kawsay]] ## superorganism ![[superorganism]] ## synergy ![[synergy]] ## system equilibrium ![[system equilibrium]] ## system failure modes ![[system failure modes]] ## systemic failure modes ![[systemic failure modes]] ## systems thinkers ![[systems thinkers]] ## systems thinking ![[systems thinking]] ## third attractor ![[third attractor]] ## tragedy of the commons ![[tragedy of the commons]] ## trimtab ![[trimtab]] ## ubuntu ![[ubuntu]] ## vitality ![[vitality]] ## whole systems design ![[whole systems design]] ## zero sum ![[zero sum]]